What is Quality Control: A Detailed Review

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Today's report is for you, if you are a businessesman or member of a company or organization and don't understand what Quality Control (QC) is. Because today's report will detail what quality control is and what it is all about. 

QC is very important to improve the quality of a product or service and maintain proper quality. So let's review what is quality control (QC), the different steps and its importance:

Definition of quality control 

Quality control is a scientific process to check how good a product or service is and to maintain proper standards. Quality control is abbreviated as QC. QC is usually provided by IEEE, ISO, ASTM International, HACCP and other organizations and institutions that standardize a product or service.

what is the purpose

Organizations such as IEEE, ISO, ASTM International, HACCP etc. have the main objective of ensuring the usability of a company or business' product or service for the customer. Also, many businesses and companies have their own quality management committee, which checks the quality of products or services and writes them on the product or service.

However, QC is primarily intended to control a business and its customers. So that a business can maintain product standard quality, achieve customer satisfaction, and provide high quality products or services to survive in a competitive business market.

As a result, human health can be maintained, environmental balance can be protected and a quality product can be obtained.

QC can be done by any means

A product or service can be QCed in multiple ways. Although QC of a product or service can be done in three ways. Namely: 1. By own product management, 2. Through domestic or local institutions, 3. Through various international organizations or institutions.

1. By own product management

QC can be verified by own product management team. This procedure includes the following activities. For this:
  • Benchmarking: Set a specific benchmark for your product or service. So that the quality of your product or service is correct.
  • Production Process Monitoring: Every step of the production process is regularly monitored.
  • Staff Training: Provide training to staff on various methods and processes of QC. So that they can produce quality products.
  • Internal Testing: Arrange for internal testing to check the quality of the product or service. So that the product or service is free from defects.
  • Feedback Collection: Collect and analyze your customer's feedback and take action for necessary improvement of the product or service. So that the product can be QC.

2. Through domestic or local institutions

Many popular companies ensure the quality of their products or services with the help of local QC agencies. This procedure includes the following activities. For this:

  • Adherence to national or local standards: Follow standards obtained from national or local quality control bodies. In this case follow the standards that a country has for goods or services.
  • Use of local laboratories: Have the product quality checked by local or domestic laboratories. Which helps in QC of your product or service.
  • Hiring Domestic or Local Consultants: Hire local QC experts or consultants. Who will help maintain the quality of your product or service.
  • Domestic or Local Audit: Have the audit conducted by a local agency. which audits the QC process and provides recommendations. So that your product gets the right price and benefits in the market.

3. Through various international organizations or institutions

There are many such popular institutes and organizations doing QC outside the country. Those who define the value of a product or service and set it apart in the market. This procedure includes the following activities. For this:
  • Follow International Standards: Follow ISO (International Organization for Standardization), HACCP etc. standards of international organizations and institutions.
  • International Certification: Get the product or production process certified according to international standards. Which will double the value of your product or service and help establish your product or service as a brand in the market.
  • International Testing and Auditing: Get product quality tested and audited by international laboratories and auditing organizations. This will ensure the purity of your product or service.
  • Hiring International Consultants: Hiring International QC Consultants. Who will help the organization to follow the international standards of QC.

How it works

Quality control works by adopting a scientific approach. These methods are very complex and essential. Which helps QC to work step by step. So let's take a look at these important steps and get an idea of how it works:
  1. 1. Testing and Verification: The first step in QC is testing and verification. Which helps to understand whether a product or service is good or bad.
  2. 2. Determination of criteria: After testing and verifying a product or service, criteria must be determined. which is used to evaluate the quality of the product or service. In order to determine the value of a product or service.
  3. 3. Remedial measures: Taking steps to rectify any defects or non-standards found. Although it helps to understand how much transparency a product or service has.
  4. 4. Record keeping: The results of a product or service are recorded after testing and verification. which helps in judging the quality of a product or service.
  5. 5. Corrective Action: If the quality of a product or service is poor. However, corrective action is taken and later it is recovered and the product is prepared for sale to the customer.

Its importance

The effectiveness and benefits of quality control or QC for a company or business organization are immense. Equal importance can be felt in both its internal and external aspects. Internal importance refers to a company's own rights and external importance refers to a customer's own rights. Let's understand the importance of QC and review it in detail:

1. Increase customer satisfaction

If a company or business organization produces its products or services to a certain standard and the customer is satisfied with it, then a customer comes to buy a product or service. It fulfills customer needs and increases customer satisfaction.

2. Increasing the value of companies or business establishments

If the company or business organization has good and quality products or services in the market, it helps to distinguish the customers. In this, the value of companies or business organizations increases many times.

3. More profit

If the QC of a company or business organization's product or service is correct. However, a company or business organization is able to earn more money.

4. Comply with national or local laws

QC helps a company or business comply with a country's laws. This allows one to respect the laws of the country and do business without all the legal hassles.

5. Surviving in a competitive market

Today's market is very competitive and complex. There is no substitute for quality products or services to survive in the market. Hence, a product or service must be QC to survive in the market.

6. Defect reduction, lower production cost and stop sale of adulterated products

Correction of a product or service, reducing the defect in a product or service. This helps in reducing subsequent production costs and through QC can stop the sale of adulterated and inferior products or services. This helps to maintain the health of the customer and avoid adverse effects on the environment.

7. Achieve long-term success

When a company or business organization has good QC, that company or business organization can conduct business for a long time. Because QC helps maintain the stability of a company or business organization.


A company or business organization takes various steps to maintain the quality of a product or service. However, before taking this step, it is necessary to have a proper idea about it.

I hope, you have understood what QC actually is. So that you can easily understand what is quality control.

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