A business letter: definition, types, Importance and necessity, and history

A business letter picture
We need to know the definition, history and importance of a business letter. Although there are 20 types of it. Let's go into details about this.

What is a business letter

A business letter means business mail or commercial letter. Business mail is usually sent to the recipient online and it is still customary to send business letters offline in many countries.

A business letter is a formal statement written from a company, organization or institution and brand for business purposes. which is sent to the professional class of persons. It includes transactions, permissions, sentiments, orders, agreements, wishes, offers, claims, complaints, etc. and is mainly adopted in this manner to maintain the professionalism of a business.

A letter can contain address of sender and receiver, current date, salutation, written business statement, closing and necessary documents.

Business mail is a type of business communication between sender and recipient. Which plays an important role in the development and deterioration of the relationship between a professional person class and organization or institution.

Also, business mail can be defined as a commercial letter. which are used to carry out commercial activities. This service is used by government, private, non-profit organizations or organizations, and all for-profit companies or brands.

How many types

According to our own research, there are basically 20 types of a business letters. which are used for various business communications. Let's find out:

1. Offer Letter

Offer letter is a letter to make a job or business offer to someone. That suggests a person engages in a task and is used in employment or business. In this letter, the sender mentions the terms of the offer, responsibilities, salary, engagement period etc.

2. Inquiry Letter

A demand letter is a letter of exchange between two companies or brands. Which is written to find out about a product or service. Eg: This type of business mail is used to inquire about the price, terms, conditions of the goods or services.

3. Order Letter

Order Letter is a letter sent before purchasing a product or service. which is sent before entering into a contract to purchase goods or services. It contains the details of the order. For example: product description, quantity, price and delivery date and time are mentioned.

4. Delivery letter

A type of letter received from the company or brand after a customer has purchased a product or service from a company or brand. which is given at the time of delivery of company stock goods or services. It includes various delivery information. For example: the shipping status of the product or service, packaging, and details to inform the recipient.

5. Acknowledgment Letter

A letter to confirm that a company or brand has delivered a product or service to a customer. which guarantees receipt of goods or services to the recipient. It states whether the goods or services have reached the address provided by the recipient.

6. Payment Reminder Letter

Payment Reminder Letter is a type of re-payment system. Which send such letter if any organization is unable to pay. It contains the date of payment, balance amount.

7. Credit Letter

Credit Letter is a type of feedback letter from bank or financial institution. Where transactions with banks are included. It contains the amount of your money in the bank, bank name, bank account number and other information.

8. Claim Letter

Claim Letter is a complaint letter. which may come for compensation on behalf of a company, organization or institution. It contains problem description and claim information.

9. Complaint Letter

A Complaint Letter is a type of complaint about a product or service with one or more defects. Which is used to troubleshoot a product or service defect, downtime, etc.

10. Follow-up letter

A follow-up letter is a type of reminder letter. which is sent for the purpose of communication or solicitation. Follow-up letter is sent as it results from previous communication.

11. Appreciation Letter

Appreciation Letter is a type of letter to appreciate work. This type of letter is sent to appreciate customers, employees, partners. It mentions the reason, time etc. for the appreciation of the work.

12. Proposal Letter

Proposal Letter A letter sent to develop a business collaboration. Which is a proposal passed between two companies or institutions. It includes offer terms, benefits, works, etc.

13. Business Agreement Letter

Business Agreement Letter is a letter sent to do business for a certain period of time. Which is also known as contract letter. It includes all business agreements, plans, management, goals, etc. in writing.

14. Invoice Letter

Invoice letter is a type of letter sent after purchasing goods or services of a company or brand. which is sent after payment for a product or service. It contains the description of the goods or services, the price, how many goods or services were ordered and the terms of payment.

15. Cancellation Letter

Cancellation Letter is a letter sent after ordering or applying for a product or service. Such letter is sent for cancellation of goods or services, application. It contains the reason for cancellation, terms and conditions of the company, how long it takes to re-order or apply.

16. Resignation Letter

Resignation letter is a type of letter sent after working for many days at a workplace or for breaking any terms of the company or brand. Resignation letter is given to resign from the workplace. It includes reasons for leaving the job, date of resignation etc.

17. Request Letter

Request Letter is a type of letter sent before seeking permission from a person or organization for any reason. Such permission letter is sent to purchase goods or services and obtain permission from another company. It contains special permission, reason for requesting something, time, etc.

18. Letter of Authorization

Letter of Authorization is a type of letter sent by a company or organization to an individual after applying for a job. which is sent to a person before joining a company or organization. It includes the time of joining, work place, position, responsibilities and powers etc. in the letter.

19. Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter is a letter sent to recommend someone for a job. Which is a type of letter sent from a higher official. Such letters include qualifications, experience, skills etc. of the person.

20. Congratulatory Letter

Congratulatory Letter is a type of letter sent after recognizing, honoring, praising, etc. the work of a person. Such letters are sent to individuals, customers, employees, partners. Best wishes for success.

Importance and necessity

Business letters are of great importance. Among them, 10 important points are given. Find out how much is needed.
  1. A business letters help maintain the professionalism of a company or organization.
  2. Companies or institutions can express their feelings to the recipient without physical presence.
  3. A business letter plays one of the most important roles in business communication.
  4. Business written complaints, demands, greetings, offers etc. are easily reaching the desired person through business mail.
  5. Currently, mails are being sent faster, more easily, more beautifully through electronic mail or e-mail ID.
  6. Facilitating all types of communication in a company or organization. This results in increased business hours and opportunities to generate more income.
  7. They are able to maintain contact with customers, employees and partners at all times as per the needs of a company or organization.
  8. All orders, prohibitions, advices for commercial activities are being given through commercial letters.
  9. The importance and necessity of today's business letters has increased manifold as compared to earlier.
  10. However, today's modern technology has brought changes in business letters. Google e-mail, Messenger, Telegram, etc. have taken its place.


Letter writing has been in vogue in business since a long time ago. The earliest use of letters dates back to ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire.

History tells us that long ago papyrus, clay leaves, and oral letters were used for various business and official purposes. Letters were sent from one place to another through a messenger or special messenger, and because of lack of advanced communication, letters took days to months to arrive.

At that time commercial letters were the most exchanged and letters were written for business purposes.

However, during the Middle Ages, medieval Europe and Muslim civilizations began writing letters using calligraphy, handwriting and seals.

The invention of the printing press in the 1500s facilitated letters. Because of which letters could be written quickly and easily. In the first part of the second industrial revolution i.e. 1800-1900 century, the use of improved paper for writing letters began.

Finally, in the present era i.e. after 1920, a business letters are being exchanged through electronic mail. Currently, letters are being exchanged digitally.


Ultimately, business is a way to earn income by selling goods or services and letters are a form of communication to maintain professionalism.

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