Be Silent in These 3 Situations to Achieve Success in Life

Picture of Be silent in these 3 situations

If you want to be successful in life, be silent in these 3 situations ex: be silent when angry, be silent when listening, and if no one values words. 

Be silent in these 3 situations to change your life 

1.Be silent when you are angry. 

2. Be silent when people do not value your words.

3. Be silent when you want to listen to people. 

1.Be silent when you are angry

Anger is a natural human emotion that comes to all of us at different times in our lives. It depends on people when, what time will come. This anger plays a role in bringing bad behavior in a person, which never brings anything good in our life. So we have to try to control this anger. A great way to deal with this anger is: Staying silent during anger.

Being silent will help you to manage your anger and prevent you from facing various types of damage caused by anger. For example: getting into a fight with another person due to anger, breaking furniture and other things in the house, taking wrong decisions etc can be due to anger.

To deal with this anger you need to know how to be quiet. Some tips:
  • Blood pressure may increase during this period. So drink a glass of water.
  • If water is not available, sit somewhere convenient for you.
  • If there is no seating arrangement, leave the place of anger and find a place of peace.

2. Be silent when people do not value your words

There are many people in daily life who don't listen to you, become other minded, start making noise during your speech. It is normal for you to get angry at this time. You want to tell people your words, but unfortunately not everyone listens to you and doesn't care.

When people don't take your words seriously, shut up and stop talking. Keeping quiet saves you valuable time and helps you deal with awkward situations.

How to develop the habit of keeping silent in such situations when people don't value words. Below are some tips:
  • Keep yourself calm.
  • Present yourself in a way that compels your audience to listen.
  • Calm yourself, present valuable words.

3. Be silent when you want to listen to people. 

Another beautiful and easy way to communicate people is talking and listening. When you try to listen to someone, you must try to listen in silence. Because being a good listener plays an important role in many areas of life. If you listen quietly and attentively, it will be useful in various areas of life later.

For example: If you don't listen to your teacher, Then you can't make homework later and you might do poorly in the exam. So know that the more silence you have in your life, the more beautiful your life will be. Otherwise, life will become very difficult.

Here are some tips for listening quietly to people:
  • Teachers, coaches, hosts, parents and elders must be listened to very carefully. That is, the opinion of others should be respected.
  • For some learning purposes, listening to teachers, coaches, hosts, parents and elders.
  • Before listening to anything, the necessary work must be completed.

Why should I remain silent in these 3 situations?

  1. For the health of your heart, you should keep quiet. Because it helps in controlling heart attack and high blood pressure.
  2. Staying calm during anger leads to long-term solutions later.
  3. Being silent during anger can make you a noble person. It helps to change your attitude towards others.
  4. The biggest reason is that it plays an important role in avoiding harm to others, including yourself, which is a big advantage of keeping quiet.


Let's try to keep quiet in these 3 situations and make life successful. It not only brings success in life, but its long term practice helps a person to become a humane, patient, and ideal person.

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1. The importance of keeping quiet?

When a person is silent, there is much importance and greatness that cannot be expressed in words. There are several benefits of being silent: avoids arguments, avoids fights, does not damage property, makes very good decisions, improves relationships, gets respect from people, etc.

2. What time to be silent?

Silence is required in various situations. Eg: Listen to teachers, coaches, hosts, parents, elders and keep quiet during arguments.

3. What can be achieved in life by being silent in various situations?

Being silent in various situations can have many positive effects in life. For example: Being silent can lead to patience and composure, avoiding conflict, increasing intelligence, resolving conflict, conserving energy, increasing self-esteem and achieving peace of mind.

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