Top 12 Tips for Writing Marketing Emails: Expert Guide with Example

writing marketing emails picture
Do you want to make your email marketing campaign more effective? If you want to write better marketing emails, then this report is for you.

This properly written marketing email will help generate leads and increase your business sales.

But, how to write emails that grab your readers' attention and motivate them to buy your product or service?

In this blog, we'll share the top 10 marketing email writing tips that will help you make your email campaigns a success. Each technique is analyzed with examples, so you can easily apply it to your next email creation.

Top 12 Tips for Writing Marketing Emails

  1. Write a catchy subject line at the beginning of the email
  2. Use clickable words in your email 
  3. Use logos or subject images in e-mails 
  4. Add friendly words at the beginning of writing
  5. Write a compelling intro/summary
  6. The body of the writing marketing emails
  7. Add call to action (CTA) buttons
  8. Write the sign-off words at the end of the email
  9. Add business address to footer
  10. Use social media links in your marketing email 
  11. The tone or language of the email
  12. Use emojis in different places in the emails 

1. Write a catchy subject line at the beginning of the email

Choose the subject line of your e-mail address. In this case you need to use attractive subject line. A customer likes an attractive subject line and is curious to see what's inside the email. It defines the main purpose of your e-mail and serves as a summary of what can be contained in your e-mail. 
Example: A subject line picture

Here are attractive and clickable subject lines:
  • Exclusive offer: only 24 hours left
  • A deal just for you - don't miss out
  • 50% off premium products, grab yours today 
  • A special surprise for our loyal customers
  • Something new for you - check it out today 
  • Last chance: exclusive discount ends today 
  • Free shopping + special discount just for you 
  • An exciting offer: only for you 
  • First look at our new collection - don't miss out 

2. Use clickable subject words in your email 

Add clickable words in the subject line. This will make customers click on your email.
Use of the word clickable in the subject line

These are basically certain words. Some of these words are given below:
  • Download 
  • Buy 
  • Good habits 
  • Shopping now 
  • Click 
  • Watch 
  • Ask
  • Take 

3. Use logos or subject images in e-mails 

Add a company logo image or a marketing image based on the subject of your email at the beginning of your email. Through this, a customer can understand from where a company or brand has sent him an email. Also images relevant to the email help to make sense of the email and graphics make the email more interesting to read.

Below is the logo of a freelancing platform:
Logo of website

Below is an image of the content of an email:
An image associated with the subject of the email

4. Add friendly words at the beginning of writing

Adding friendly words at the beginning of writing marketing emails. Friendly words help to make a customer feel like a friend or family member. Which puts a customer in a positive frame of mind. These words are primarily used to strengthen a person's close relationship and create friendship with others. We also use these words when meeting someone.
A friendly word picture

Below are some friendly words:
  • Hello sir 
  • Hello dear 
  • Hi/hello samiul 
  • Hey shopper
  • Hello buyer 
  • What's up 
  • Hey there 
  • Hello family 
  • Hello/hi friend

5. Write a compelling intro/summary 

Intro image in an email
Write a brief introduction before writing in detail about the marketing email. This will indicate what is written throughout your e-mail. It must be an interesting introduction. This will basically act as the summary of your email and as soon as a subscriber reads it, he will be interested in moving on to the next section.

6. The body of the writing marketing emails

The most important and essential part of an email is the body of the email. It describes a company or brand in detail about their product or service. In the body of the email, a company or brand reveals all the information about their product or service.
Image of what the body of a marketing email should look like

The body of an email contains various important information. For example:
  • Image of product or service
  • Written statements of companies or brands
  • Pictures, videos, links
  • Price of goods or services
  • Conditions
  • Expiry Date
  • Bonuses, offers, discounts
  • Statistics

7. Add call to action (CTA) buttons

A CTA button is a type of short sentence. which is given at the end of the body of an email in the form of a button. It uses short actionable sentences. The sentences consist of 2 to 3 words and these buttons are of different colors including white, red, blue, green.
9 CTA buttons picture
Below are important and commonly used CTA button phrases:
  • Shop now/buy now/and to carts/order now 
  • Learn more/read more 
  • Get started/Get access
  • Sign up/sign in 
  • Join now/apply now/actiona now 
  • Download 
  • Try it for free 
  • Explore more/discover more/view details 

8. Write the sign-off words at the end of the email

Sign-off words at the end of an email. which indicates the end of an email and should be written at the end of the email. Here the sender's last name or sender's name will be written.
A Sign-off words picture
Here are some important and commonly used sign-off words:
  • Sincerely 
  • Yours truly 
  • Warm regards/kind regards/best regards
  • Thanks 
  • Respectfully 
  • Stay well 
  • Gratefully 
  • Best wishes 
  • Yours in service 
  • To your success 
  • Onward 
  • In fellowship 

9. Add business address to footer 

Business address must be added when writing professional email. This includes customer loyalty to email will grow and create positive perceptions. You can write the business address at the end of the email or in the footer.
Business images in a marketing email
Here's what a marketing email address includes:
  • Street 
  • place name 
  • Post code 
  • County name 

10. Use social media links in your marketing email 

At the end of writing marketing emails, you should use social media links inside your email. This will create followers for your company or brand. Later these followers will become regular customers. 
Business social media Link in a marketing email
Remember, use real social media icons.Keep the link of any social media: 
  • Facebook 
  • Twitter 
  • Instagram 
  • Youtube 
  • Website
  • Phone number and email address 
There are also several important things to know when writing marketing emails. That will help you write better business emails. Here's all the other information you need to know:

11. The tone or language of the email

Language or tone is very important when writing marketing emails. It is very effective in generating sales. Use simple, plain language when writing marketing emails. Use friendly words in emails. Write emails in short sentences so that the customer can easily understand your written language. Avoid using complex language.

12. Use emojis in different places in the email

একটি ইমেইলে ইমুজির ব্যবহার উল্লেখ করা হল
Emoji is a type of writing language. Which is a very useful sign to highlight a particular subject. These emojis will also serve as a language for your e-mails. So use emojis in email writing to inform customers about specific topics. For example: 🎁, 🛒, 🛍️, ❤️‍, 🔥, 👗, 🚚, 📢, 💸, etc. 


Finally, Writing marketing emails requires different techniques. The most important of them are our 12 tips for writing emails. Which will take your marketing further and help you promote your product or service.

I hope, You really liked this report today. Stay tuned to read informative reports every day. 

FAQ on writing marketing emails 

1. In what cases can email be used?

Email is one of the most popular means of communication. Which is an acceptable online platform in all respects. It is playing a role as an important medium of communication in family, social, economic, business fields. Although emails are being used more and more for marketing purposes.

2. Name some email platforms?

Email is also contributing to the marketing field these days. Some of the e-mail platforms are: Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo mail, apple mail, Zoho mail, Yandex mail etc. 

3. What can be an alternative to writing marketing emails?

If you find writing marketing emails a hassle, there are alternative platforms. For example: social media marketing, sms marketing, content marketing, push notifications, affiliate marketing etc.

4. What are the email marketing platforms?

You can send your business emails to your customers or readers through various email marketing platforms. Here are some email marketing platforms: mailchimp, sendinblue, constant contact, getresponse, convertkit etc.

5. What does email marketing do? 

Email marketing has three main functions. 1. sending electronic letters to consumers about a company or brand's products or services, 2. generating sales through marketing, and 3. companies or brands working to develop relationships with consumers through email.

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